How to create amazing eBay 360 videos

Lana Tsiupko
4 min readMay 13, 2021


Boost your eBay sales with winning 360-degree videos

Since eBay was founded in 1995, it has continued to pull in customers and retailers all over the world. In fact, since mid-2019, there are more than 182 million people with a user account on eBay. That’s a whole lot of people to be advertising your products to!

Did you also know that there are over 1.3 billion item listings on eBay? Fantastic news for buyers, but if we’re honest, not so great for retailers looking to stand out in the endless ocean of online sales. Luckily for you, that’s where the world of videography can help.

In this blog post, we aim to explore how 360 videos can help your eBay listing stand out among the competition, as well as details on how you can put one together. Interested? Keep reading to the end for more information on our free 360 product video offer.

Why are 360-degree product videos so important on eBay?

As the world of eCommerce continues to grow, becoming a bigger part of each of our lives by the month, online videos grow too. 73% of buyers online stated that watching a video makes them more likely to buy. In fact, a massive 91% of medium-to-heavy consumers online believe that a 360-degree product viewer is a must-have. Why is this?

Online, customers have no way to heavily inspect a product before making their decision to purchase. More often than not, buyers are presented with a limited selection of photographs showing only a selection of product details. However, introduce a video, and suddenly we can see the product in action. Take it one step further and introduce a 360 video, and we can see even more of the product in action.

A 360-degree video captures the whole product as it spins around a whole 360 degrees on a turntable. The resulting video then reveals the whole product to a potential customer, showing off all the details as if they could pick it up and inspect it themselves. In turn, this helps the customer build confidence and certainty about buying the product, leading to more sales and fewer refunds.

Many online consumers have voiced their opinion in favour of more 360 product videos, and even though the statistics are in favour of their use, many products and retailer profiles on eBay still don’t use them. By choosing to promote your product with a 360-degree video, you can stand out against the billion other listings and increase your sales by 13% — that’s no small amount.

Putting together your 360-degree product video for eBay

Making a 360 product video might sound daunting at first, but you’ll soon come to realise it’s not all that bad.

To make your own basic 360-degree product video, you’ll need:

  • A motorised turntable
  • Lighting
  • A backdrop
  • A tripod
  • Your camera

Simply set up your studio so that your product is on the motorised turntable and the light is evenly distributed on your product, then place your camera at the desired angle so that no unwanted objects are in view. Begin filming and set the turntable to begin rotating, and just like that, your new product video is underway. For more tips and tricks on how to make a great 360 product video, check out our blog on spinning videos in 360 degrees.

Embedding your video on eBay

Once you’ve recorded your video and you’re happy with the results, it’s time to embed it onto your eBay listing:

  1. Upload your video onto a video-sharing website that eBay supports, such as YouTube.
  2. Find and copy the embed code for your video.
  3. Go to your eBay listing and paste the embed code into your item description using HTML. To do this, click on the HTML tab above the description editor, then paste the embed code at the end of any text there, if there is any.
  4. Finish updating your post and list it.

Just like that, your 360-degree product video is up on eBay and your product already stands out more than most others.

Alternatively, why not skip the hassle and get the professionals to do it for you? Splento’s videographers produce quality work for a reasonable price. Plus, for a limited time only, we’re offering a free 360 product video for one of your products — all we ask of you is a few statistics further down the line! For more information on this deal as well as some frequently asked questions, check out the terms and conditions today.

With that, you should hopefully have a better understanding of eBay 360 videos and how they can help boost your sales and make your product stand out among the rest. You should also have a better understanding of how you can easily make a simple 360-degree product video to help your business boom! If find yourself looking for more information and tips about the format, you could always check out our 360-degrees video format guide.

Don’t forget to check out the free deal, or for more information on how Splento can help your business thrive, contact us today.

